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My Final Post for the Year

This is my last post for year 9 religion 2011. Religion this year with Mr. Burden was a great learning experience. We used your laptops nearly every lesson which made learning more enjoyable. I will miss this great class as this was such a great year. THIS IS THE LAST POST OF THE YEAR!

The Australian catholic church has become less meaningful for most people today. People have start to grow apart from it as from before people were closer to the catholic church before. Today’s culture is less related with the church and people have been going less to church and becoming priests. I think the only connection that young people have with the church is if they go to a catholic school and if they are religiously attached with the church.

Being Catholic in Australia today means has a big impact on my life. Since I went to a Catholic school in Primary and going to a Catholic school now I used to go to church on Sundays regularly. After beginning high school I stopped going to Church as it was a trek to go there every Sunday and I had other things to do. The church should make the masses better so more people would come because recently people have stopped coming to church. A thing that a church should stop is handing out the church magazines to students because we never read them and it is just a waste of money and paper. For most students now religion isn’t their top priority. It is good still but as learning about the Catholic faith at school and it teaches us about God and stuff that makes us good students.

Good vs. Evil

Good vs Evil

Act of Kindness

This is a video of someone telling us  a story on someone doing a random act of kindness to him. This shows that things like that can make someone really happy and helps out others.


revelations is a book in the bible basically tells us when the word is going to end. It when God makes his judgment on the world. In the book of revelations it talks about what will happen. It has many quotes on what  God says. In different religions there are different was that how this day would happen. This is just theoretical but some people think that this is true.

What I have learned for the literacy form of the old testament are for the 10 commandments there were commandments you had to follow. In religions you had to be faithful and loyal. If must follow the laws of the religion. If you broke them you would be punished.

Historical stories tell us about real life events. They are called epics, call stories and genealogies. These stories aren’t exact as they are altered on who tells them.